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 My name is Anna and I'm excited to share my life, knowledge and all that happens in my life with you in my little side of the internet. I am a Mama of five beautiful children right now, four girls and one boy. They are my light and life, my muses. Teaching and guiding them is my job title right now.

 I come from a long history of ranching background here in NE Wyoming. I love life and learning, absolutely love all sorts of crafting. My favorite's are knitting, crochet and embroidery. This year I hope to start making and creating clothing for my children and I. It probably will be focused more on natural fibers and historically inspired pieces as I don't follow fast fashion and   I feel the natural fiber would be very nice to eventually incorporate into our lifestyle. I enjoy many other interests such as history, reading, homeschooling, spiritual growth, exercise, traveling, music, anything food related, hiking and being outdoors and I'm interested in trying different weather and conditions for camping.

 I enjoy and dabble in photography, hoping to improve my skills this year. Gardening makes me quite happy and I greatly appreciate the feeling of dirt in my hands while tending my plants. My love of plants extends to household plants and also wild edibles, eating and using them in tincture's and teas. My tea cabinet somewhat extensive. I'm really looking forward to my journey with you all here! Love life, find peace and happiness in living to your full potential. Below I linked my Instagram.


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